Die Suche ergab 10 Treffer

von EndaPa
So 16. Mai 2021, 15:57
Forum: DSV - Hilfeforum für manage2sail
Thema: Das ORM Module rechnet keine Resultate für die Einheitsklasse YNGLING
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 9040

Re: Das ORM Module rechnet keine Resultate für die Einheitsklasse YNGLING

Thank you!
Had the same situation with the Factory setting today. All fine for 2 classes but not with one. Took quite a long before I came to search here to find the solution. As I do not speak German I was not sure if I find something but did :)
von EndaPa
Fr 22. Jan 2021, 18:42
Forum: DSV - Hilfeforum für manage2sail
Thema: Slalom fleet results
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 7306

Re: Slalom fleet results

Yes, I came to this but it means points after DNF continue from the same points as DNF (DNF is 5 points, so is the first person from 2nd fleet having 5 points).
I just have to hope there will be not DNF-s, then there will be no problem :)
von EndaPa
Fr 22. Jan 2021, 13:46
Forum: DSV - Hilfeforum für manage2sail
Thema: Slalom fleet results
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 7306

Re: Slalom fleet results

Thank you, Jobst! I tried in shadow now but I cannot still solve the problem. Now I have 2 of each place but this is not what I want. We need: 1st fleet points are: 1 2 3 5 (DNF) 5 (DNF) .. and now points are continuing with the second fleet: 6 7 8 9 You can see the example at https://slaalom.ee/tul...
von EndaPa
Fr 22. Jan 2021, 11:01
Forum: DSV - Hilfeforum für manage2sail
Thema: Slalom fleet results
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 7306

Re: Slalom fleet results

Hi Jobst,
https://www.manage2sail.com/et-EE/event ... 57b3d38ce0#!/ in actual ORM, not published, not actual results (will be deleted).
We are planning the event tomorrow already.
von EndaPa
Do 21. Jan 2021, 18:24
Forum: DSV - Hilfeforum für manage2sail
Thema: Slalom fleet results
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 7306

Slalom fleet results

Hello, I have a question about scoring for slalom races when someone in fleet does not finish. I made a sample of 2 fleet race where persons in the 1st fleet get DNF. It means they can have only points of the last place of the fleet and I could easily add those when entering the results. Now, the fi...
von EndaPa
Do 20. Aug 2020, 13:05
Forum: DSV - Hilfeforum für manage2sail
Thema: Different classes in one finish
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 9709

Re: Different classes in one finish

Thank you, got it!

Is there any option to show category in Overall results in some column? Just wondering...
von EndaPa
Mi 19. Aug 2020, 22:17
Forum: DSV - Hilfeforum für manage2sail
Thema: Different classes in one finish
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 9709

Re: Different classes in one finish

Thank you, tried to find - this button? And just choose classes I need?
2020-08-19 at 23-14-45.png
von EndaPa
Mi 19. Aug 2020, 16:34
Forum: DSV - Hilfeforum für manage2sail
Thema: Different classes in one finish
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 9709

Different classes in one finish

Hello all, sorry in English and sorry if this has been cleared in German, I just cannot find the answer with Google Translate :oops: We have regattas with different classes in one course and as the starts are right after another all classes come to finish at once and often mixed. If there are many b...
von EndaPa
Do 13. Aug 2020, 14:55
Forum: DSV - Hilfeforum für manage2sail
Thema: Herzlich Willkommen im manage2sail-User-Forum
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 26986

Re: Herzlich Willkommen im manage2sail-User-Forum

Somehow I cannot manage to find English manual for m2s. I got the German copy from this forum but it's not much help for me. Is there any English help available?
With best regards,